Storytelling | Flipgrid


A storytelling tool designed by Microsoft specifically for engaging verbal discussion in a digital classroom. The idea behind this education tool is to use video to create an open platform of discussion and learning that doesn't require a physical classroom to get everyone involved. That makes Flipgrid an ideal remote learning tool as well as a powerful homework based application for students to use with each other from any location. Students create video with voice over and share with their peers and teacher. The class can comment on video posts, giving peer feedback and sharing thoughts and ideas collaboratively. This tool is completely free!

PYP ATL Skills


Exchanging-information skills (listening, interpreting, speaking).

ICT skills (using technology to gather, investigate and communicate information).

MYP ATL Skills

Media Literacy

Make informed choices about personal viewing experiences.

Understand the impact of media representations and modes of presentation.

Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.

Student Standards

Digital Citizen

1.2.B: Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behaviour when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.

1.2.C: Students demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.

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Tutorial Videos| Flipgrid

What is Flipgrid?
Produced by Flipgrid

01 | Getting Started (Teachers)
Produced by Flipgrid

02 | Getting Started (Students)
Produced by Flipgrid

01_How to Create a Flipgrid.mp4

03 | How to Create a Flipgrid
Stu Lowe, Beacon Hill School

02 | Private Videos & Video Replies

04 | Private Video & Replies
Stu Lowe, Beacon Hill School

03 | Flipgrid Shorts.mp4

05 | Flipgrid Shorts
Stu Lowe, Beacon Hill School

04 | Cool Video Recording Features.mp4

06 | Cool Video Features
Stu Lowe, Beacon Hill School

05 | Disco Library.mp4

07 | Disco Library
Stu Lowe, Beacon Hill School

06 | Flipgrid Mixtapes.mp4

08 | Flipgrid Mixtapes
Stu Lowe, Beacon Hill School