Mobility | Classroom


A mobility tool created by Google
that acts as a virtual classroom. Google Classroom lets teachers streamline their classes, organise, distribute, and collect assignments, share course materials, and view student work. Use the platform to communicate with students about their classwork by posting announcements and reminders about assignments. Give students timely feedback on their assessments using rubrics for grading and comment banks. Additional features such as the ask question feature can be used to poll students and assess their understanding instantly.

PYP ATL Skills


Organisation skills (managing time and tasks effectively).


Reflection/metacognitive skills ((re)considering the process of learning).

MYP ATL Skills


Use the assignments to plan for short or long-term assignments and meet deadlines.

Use the grades feature to set goals that are challenging and realistic.

Use the drive folder to keep an organised and logical system of information files/notebooks.

Student Standards

Empowered Learner

1.1.A: Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them, and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes.

1.1.C: Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.

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Tutorial Videos| Classroom

01 | Google Classroom 101
Produced by Google Education

02 | Using Google Classroom as an LMS
Produced by Google Education

03 | Classroom for Hybrid Learning
Produced by Google Education

01_Adding Resources.mp4

04 | Adding Resources
Stu Lowe, Beacon Hill School

02_Creating Assignments.mp4

05 | Creating Assignments
Stu Lowe, Beacon Hill School

03| Comments & Discussions.mp4

06 | Comments & Discussions
Stu Lowe, Beacon Hill School

04_Turning off Email Notifications.mp4

07 | Turning Off Email Notifications
Stu Lowe, Beacon Hill School

05_Hiding & Scheduling Content.mp4

05 | Hiding & Scheduling Content
Stu Lowe, Beacon Hill School

06_Reading Comprehension Quiz.mp4

06 | Reading Comprehension Quiz
Stu Lowe, Beacon Hill School


07 | Assessment - Questioning
Shanice Welsh, West Island School


08 | Assessment - Rubrics
Shanice Welsh, West Island School


09 | Assessment - Tracking & Chasing
Shanice Welsh, West Island School