Social | Padlet


A social tool that replicates an online notice board but with a lot of things a regular notice board could never do! Users can post text, images, videos, files, links … basically anything digital. Others can see the postings, as well as comment or vote on them if the board owner allows. You can customise each Padlet by changing the background, layout, font, and colour scheme. Students can create their own Padlet to collaborate with peers using the sharing features or teachers can create padlet board templates that they'd like students to remake & add to.

PYP ATL Skills


Critical-thinking skills (analysing and evaluating issues and ideas).

Creative-thinking skills (generating novel ideas and considering new perspectives).

MYP ATL Skills


Manage and resolve conflict, and work collaboratively in teams.

Build consensus.

Make fair and equitable decisions.

Encourage others to contribute.

Student Standards

Empowered Learner

1.7.C: Students contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal.

1.7.D: Students explore local and global issues and use collaborative technologies to work with others to investigate solutions.

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Tutorial Videos| Padlet

What is Padlet?
Produced by Padlet

01 | Introduction
Produced by Padlet

02 | The Basics for Educators
Produced by Padlet

Collecting student ideas, work or responses.mp4

03 | Collecting Student Outcomes
Stu Lowe, Beacon Hill School


04 | Scavenger Hunt
Shanice Welsh, West Island School


05 | Collaborative Revision
Shanice Welsh, West Island School