Storytelling | Adobe Express


A storytelling tool designed by Adobe (formerly Spark) that lets you create a variety of outcomes, including original video stories that can be edited and published to a various digital destinations. Tell stories using the video, image and audio recording tools. Customise your video with music, colour themes, logos and text. Adobe Express lets you share the video with others via a custom link - you can even collaborate! Students combine their visual and verbal communication skills to create kickstarter campaigns, knowledge explanations or promotional advertisements. Adobe Express is completely free for educators and K-12 students!

PYP ATL Skills


ICT skills (using technology to gather, investigate and communicate information).


Creative-thinking skills (generating novel ideas and considering new perspectives).


Media-literacy skills (interacting with media to use and create ideas and information).

MYP ATL Skills


Use a variety of speaking techniques to communicate with a variety of audiences.

Use a variety of media to communicate with a range of audiences.

Collaborate with peers and experts using a variety of digital environments and media.

Share ideas with multiple audiences using a variety of digital environments and media.

Student Standards

Creative Communicator

1.6.A: Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.

1.6.D: Students publish or present content that customises the message and medium for their intended audiences.

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Tutorial Videos| Adobe Express

What is Adobe Express?
Produced by Adobe

01 | Adobe Express Video
Produced by Adobe

02 | How to Create a Video
Produced by Adobe

03 | Historical Video Biography
Produced by Adobe


04 | Kickstarter Video
Shanice Welsh, West Island School