Mobility | Zoom


A mobility tool used for video conferencing between teachers and students, especially useful during remote learnin
g. As a teacher, you can host remote classes with your students, share your screen, record meetings for recap and easily check attendance. There are additional features such as whiteboard, breakout rooms and polls that make lessons engaging and interactive. Students can join the lesson from anywhere in the world, making Zoom an effective mobility tool.

PYP ATL Skills


Organisation skills (managing time and tasks effectively)

States of mind (mindfulness, perseverance, emotional management, self- motivation, resilience)

MYP ATL Skills

Affective - Mindfulness

Practise focus and concentration.

Practise strategies to develop mental focus.

Practise strategies to overcome distractions.

Practise being aware of body-mind connections.

Student Standards

Digital Citizen

1.2.A: Students cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation and are aware of the permanence of their actions in the digital world.

1.2.B: Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behaviour when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.

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Tutorial Videos| Zoom

What is Zoom for Education?
Produced by Zoom

01 | Getting Started
Produced by Zoom

02 | Basic In-Meeting Features
Produced by Zoom

01_Zoom Overview.mp4

03 | Zoom Overview
Stu Lowe, Beacon Hill School

02_Zoom Settings.mp4

04 | Zoom Settings
Stu Lowe, Beacon Hill School

03_Scheduling Meetings.mp4

05 | Scheduling Meetings
Stu Lowe, Beacon Hill School

04_Managing Participants.mp4

06 | Managing Participants
Stu Lowe, Beacon Hill School

05_Cameras & Visualisers.mp4

07 | Cameras & Visualisers
Stu Lowe, Beacon Hill School

06_Zoom Webinars.mp4

08 | Zoom Webinars
Stu Lowe, Beacon Hill School